Bella Cora Website Rebrand
UI/UX | Branding
Project Overview
Bella Cora Bakery is an award-winning bakery located in El Paso, Texas. The bakery prides itself on having an amazing baked goods and sweets lineup. The bakery is French-inspired and has opened another location in El Paso since its initial opening in 2012. Their business aims to provide a selection of excellent quality and delicious pastries.
For this UI/UX rebrand, I went with this award-winning bakery located in El Paso, Texas, that already had incredible product photos and a story to tell. My goal with this website redesign was to bring a little personality and purpose to their website to call customers from all over to feel the hominess that they strive for in their bakery. I updated their logo and gave them a new bakery-approved color palette. The website was built on through the Elementor website builder.
Programs Utilized
WordPress, Elementor, Adobe Illustrator